Communication and Learning

Project by

Prof. Ravi Poovaiah
Dr. Ajanta Sen
Sponsored by
COSMIC, NTU Singapore

This project will be exhibited at Design Degree Show 2015, 13th to 17th June.

Evolve- A physical media tool for kids to play & learn

This project was aimed at creating a play & learn platform using physical toys. I looked at using puppets as facilitators for learning. The platform allows kids to participate in active role playing game-play and interact with their environment using puppet gloves. Kids are playful and imaginative by nature. However, the current education system focuses on behaviourist principles. The aim of the project was to move from cognitive to intuitive. Kids play environment was studied and a play & learn platform was created using multi-sensorial physical toys with gesture control. Puppet is a toy children love playing with. A puppet can just as easily be replaced by other play things similar to puppets. Being an object a puppet is tangible and haptic, something within the realm of comprehension of a child. This by virtue of their keen imagination then allows them to play around with sizes, styles, colors, shapes, and through the extremely haptic medium of the craft. Hence, while the puppet remains a primary and central point of interest for children, technology does not preoccupy their minds.