Design is like a framework, that allows the fitting of various lenses. It allows us to see through: problems, social norms, money, everything until we finally see the people. It allows for the revelation of opportunities within enormous constraints, opportunities that otherwise would barely even exist.
Design Education Seminar
Attempting to take a closer look at the diverse interpretations and roles of design in the 21st century- from interventions that safeguard livelihoods of artisans such as farming and weaving, to innovations that sustainably address urban issues; from empowering the differently-abled to creating a skilled-human-resource workforce for a global future- this year the annual degree show by students of design at IDC, IIT Bombay, shall host a seminar that seeks to understand the challenges in design education.
Design: Now and Next Seminar
It consists of a series of discourses where invited experts and practitioners in the respective cluster-fields talk about their work and their take on projects done by the Batch of 2015.
Speakers will be announced soon