Tejaswini Pundge

M.Des/Year 2

Electroflow Card game

Electroflow Card game

Prof. ABC

This multiplayer card game seeks to educate players about the role and application of components in electric circuits, as well as their interactions. The game centers around fundamental concepts like component functions and the flow of electrons. Through engaging in roleplay as circuit components, students can enjoy the game while deepening their understanding. The primary goal of the game is to gather a specific combination of electrons, which is accomplished by passing them between players.

Instructional design for financial literacy of low literate women.

Instructional design for financial literacy of low literate women.

Prof. ABC

Financial literacy is vital for empowering people to make knowledgeable financial choices and attain economic autonomy. Unfortunately, individuals with low literacy levels, especially in marginalized communities like women, face difficulties in comprehending complex financial concepts. In response to this, an instructional design project was undertaken in collaboration with ASHA NGO. The project's primary objective was to explain fundamental financial literacy concepts such as record keeping, financial goals, budgeting, investments, and online transactions. The project's final deliverables include a lesson plan, an exposure presentation, and a specially designed toolkit tailored for low-literate women, particularly those who operate small tailoring shops.