Shreyas Vernekar
M.Des/Year 2
An Unusual Guardian - Interactive Storytelling through Digital Game Design
An Unusual Guardian - Interactive Storytelling through Digital Game Design
Prof. Jayesh Pillai
Rakhandar, the mythical protective spirit of the area, demonstrates a fascinating duality in his identity. He can be mischievous, unforgiving, or fiercely protective towards the region's residents. This multifaceted nature adds depth and intrigue to the legends surrounding Rakhandar, making him an enigmatic figure in local folklore. By sharing these local stories on a broader platform, the project aims to preserve and celebrate the cultural heritage of the Konkan region while fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of its mythology and traditions.
The rich folklore of the Konkan region is brought to a broader audience through the character of a fourteen-year-old city dweller, Sarvesh returning to his maternal village. These interactions contribute to an intriguing story that the user unravels as the narrative progresses. Through two levels - night and day - The duality in Rakhandar’s perception is aptly portrayed: the blissful reverence versus the undeniable fright one encounters when his name is mentioned.

Comprehending the Indian Ocean Tsunami - December 26, 2004
Comprehending the Indian Ocean Tsunami - December 26, 2004
Prof. Vivek Kant
The book revisits the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami and its aftermath from the viewpoint of resilience and vulnerability. Vulnerability is a multi-faceted concept that lies at the intersection of diversity of risks and their actualization in everyday lived experience. Vulnerability is not the property of people but it is a relational outcome of complex relationships between people and their ecologies in the face of hazards. Understanding disasters such as these from the viewpoint of vulnerability presents real insights into realizing how the disaster is an outcome of multiple interweaving processes at several layers of abstraction. These range from local and global processes related to the social, economic and cultural abilities and coping mechanisms of communities in transition. In this book we emphasize the adaptability, capacity, vulnerability and resilience in the wake of disasters.