Akshata Khare

M.Des/Year 2

Game design for Inclusivity

Game design for Inclusivity

Prof. Prasad Bokil (IDC, IIT Bombay)

There is a noticeable lack of games that foster inclusive play between sighted individuals and those with visual disabilities. The struggle of individuals with visual disabilities to identify games that cater to both groups raises the question of why most games focus exclusively on either the sighted or the blind. Recognising the significance of inclusivity in game design, the goal of this project is to develop an accessible and inclusive educational game that accommodates players with and without visual disabilities.

To bridge this gap, I have designed a tactile game called "Mystery Dots" to learn braille and enable both sighted and visually impaired individuals to play together. Inspired by decoding games like Bulls and Cows, "Mystery Dots" revolves around guessing the braille letter chosen by the opponent. This game combines the thrill of a guessing game with the tactile experience of braille, ensuring that both sighted and visually impaired players can actively participate and enjoy the game. Alternatively, I have created a version with sound feedback.

Perceptions of Gender Cell and how to (re)solve them

Perceptions of Gender Cell and how to (re)solve them

Prof. Mandar Rane (IDC, IIT Bombay)

I am a member of Gender Cell, IIT Bombay which crucial in investigating sexual harassment complaints through its Internal Complaints Committee and raising awareness through events. The project aims to ensure that students, staff, and residents of IITB trust the organisation's approach towards responses to sexual harassment or discomfort.

The project investigates various perceptions, particularly among students. It identifies ways to build trust, where students can confidently approach trained professionals and access resources such as counselling and security when needed.

Speaking up and lodging a complaint requires immense courage, especially when faith in an unfamiliar organisation is at stake. The perceptions of those surrounding the victim greatly influence the victim's course of action. Through interviews, meetings, and discussions with members of the IITB Gender Cell, efforts were made to comprehend these perceptions and find (re)solutions to address them effectively through an animated film, “Perceptions”.
