Swathi Sreekumar

B.Des  / Year 4

Design Hybridization using Crochet

Design Hybridization using Crochet

Prof. Avinash Shinde

Design Hybridization is basically to combine the two types of methods/processes, Low-tech and High-Tech where Low-tech represents crafts in which hands are involved and High-tech represents recent technology such as Additive manufacturing, Laser and CNC cutting. A creative approach that clubs them to create meaningful objects. This project 'Design Hybridization and Crochet' showcases an in-depth exploration of combining crochet techniques with metal and plastic frames to enhance the stability and usability of conventional crochet products, such as baskets. Delving into the realm of crochet, experimenting with different materials and implementing distinctive patterns and techniques. The primary objective was to discover how crochet and metal/plastic frames could be used side by side, exploring various methods and joineries. The project encompasses the entire creative journey, including exploration, research, ideation, concept generation, and evaluation, resulting in innovative designs that blend the art of crochet with the structural support of metal or plastic frames.

Nature Inspired Lighting

Nature Inspired Lighting

Prof. R. Sandesh

This project showcases a comprehensive exploration of forms and patterns found in nature, with a focus on incorporating them into static lighting designs. The inspiration was stemmed from the captivating shapes and patterns observed in mushrooms, which hold diverse meanings in various contexts, such as childhood, fairytales, enchantment, and bliss. After carefully examining numerous mushroom species, the Turkey Tail Mushroom was specifically selected due to its combination of commonality and unique qualities. The project encompasses the entire creative process, including exploration, ideation, concept generation, and evaluation, resulting in an innovative lighting design inspired by the intriguing Turkey Tail Mushroom.