Kartik Goel

B.Des  / Year 4

Mood Indigo Mobile App

Mood Indigo Mobile App

Prof. ABC

The Mood Indigo Mobile App is a project that I worked on for my P1 project in collaboration with the Mood Indigo Design Team. The app was designed to address four key areas of concern for attendees of the Mood Indigo festival: planning and scheduling, navigation, waiting time and queues, and socialization and games. The app helps attendees plan their day by providing them with personalized suggestions for events and allowing them to create their own schedules. It also allows attendees to hold casual gatherings and invite other attendees. In addition, the app features informal games that are held by the organizing teams. Users can see their progress in the games, view the leaderboard, and receive rewards.

I conducted secondary and primary research to identify the needs of Mood Indigo attendees. I then analyzed the insights I gathered and brainstormed ideas for the app. I designed the final UI and conducted an evaluation with the MI Design Team. I considered some design changes but was unable to implement them due to time constraints.



Prof. ABC

ChikitSaathi is a system that helps patients throughout their surgery process. It provides patients with information about their condition and the treatment procedure in simple terms, and it helps them to process this information both intellectually and emotionally. This helps to reduce anxiety and improve well-being. Some design deliverables of the project were Brochures, Posters, Tablet Platform Design and Website Design.

ChikitSaathi was developed as part of the Systems Design course. The project was completed over the course of 6 weeks by a team of 4 students. I participated in all stages of the project, including research, ideation, and design. I focused on the interface design of the tablet platform and the mobile application. We hope this proves as a valuable resource for patients facing surgery. It can help to reduce anxiety, improve well-being, and make the surgery process more informed and guided.