Name: RamKumar R
Guide: Prof. V.P.Bapat
Course: Industrial Design
Design of Data collecting device for pulse diagnosis based on Nadi Pariksha
Nadi pariksha is a non invasive pulse diagnosis method practiced by Ayurveda doctors/vaidhya. Doctor diagnoses the patients by three constitutions- Vata, Pitta, Kapha which are the pulses read by the doctors when they keep their index, middle ,ring fingers above radial artery. The constitutions vary from one to another person. So, the cure for same disease varies. The accuracy of diagnosis differs on basis of experience and skills of the doctor and is thus, subjective. Accuracy to reach different depths to take readings by applying different pressure is also difficult.
This project is an attempt to design a device to collect the pulse reading using sensors to make the diagnosis subject considering positions of doctor and patient in traditional method, modern clinics, genders, age groups, manufacturability etc.