Name: Naveen Singh Rawat

Guide: Prof. Ravi Poovaiah

Course: Interaction

Learning aid for dyslexic children 

Reading is fundamental to functioning in today’s society. For many children with reading disabilities, this skill is one of the most difficult and a lifelong issue. Dyslexia is one of the familiar types of reading difficulties, literally meaning a ‘difficulty with words’. Dyslexia is mainly a problem with reading accurately and fluently. It affects 1 out of 5 children. Impacts reading, spelling and writing. The words cannot be decoded down to sounds thus there is issue mapping the letter form to the sound which causes errors in reading, spelling and comprehension.

The process involved special educators and children throughout the course of the project and they took active part in evaluation of intermediate and iterated concepts. The focus was to analyses how dyslexic kids behave and consume remediation in one to one sessions with special educators, their preferences and learning patterns. From the very start I have involved children and special educators into brainstorming and feedback sessions to test and iterate parallel to my project time line. This led to better clarity and focused user centered design approach.

With numerous testing and feedback sessions, the final concept focused on a learning system that will not only aid educators in the special education for dyslexic children but will also serve as a medium to measure their growth.

The final design is the product of design research and a user centered process that has kept the child and the educators in center an targets a specific issue that can make a big difference as a learning aid in dyslexic teaching environment.