Art Craft and Culture

Project by

Prof. Nina Sabnani

This project will be exhibited at Design Degree Show 2015, 13th to 17th June.


Naturescapes is a book that flowed easily, out of my unconscious, but deep feeling about nature. A part of the ‘Image Making an Representation’ module, It is the product of a two-week labour of love.

The Journey:

Nature has always been very special to me – it is the ultimate source of my creative inspiration. I had already penned a series of poems about nature, natural places – the task that lay ahead was to convert those feelings into images. I had discovered calligraphy recently – and armed with calligraphic pens, a pencil and a black ball-point pen, I set out to paint what I felt about the natural elements on large blank sheets of paper.

I did not follow a set technique, but the lines just made themselves. After finishing them off with smudged charcoal, the illustrations were ready to be mingled with words, on the spread.


Book Mockup - 2 Book Mockup - 3




Book Mockup - 1